How To Stop The Classroom Chatter

Teaching kids can be challenging. There are only so many hours in the day and the list of things that need to get taught and completed each day can be daunting. As directors of chaos (aka: classroom teachers) we need our students to be focused and on task as much as possible. Transitions need to be quick and smooth. We've a lot to get done, people!

This school year, I have an incredible group of students. But there is one BIG problem. They are WAY too social!!! They talk ALL. THE. TIME! I was about to lose my mind! Then, the heavens above looked down on me. A few weeks ago, as I was scrolling through my IG feed, all my prayers were answered! 

free classroom voice level chart with lights
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After talking to some blogging and teaching friends about strategies they use in their classrooms, many answered that they use a voice level chart.  I didn't think much about it at the time because I had never used a voice level chart in my classroom. Well, after about 2 weeks of school, I knew I NEEDED this book and a voice chart! HA!

I immediately logged onto my Amazon account and bought this book and a few other items in my cart (click on pictures for link).

Next, I gathered all the materials I was going to need to put together my voice chart. I wanted to change a few things on the voice chart to make it work best in my classroom. I took off "outside voice" because my students rarely have the opportunity to use that voice in my room! I ended up tweaking and creating my own chart. 

I also wanted a different, easy, eye catching way for my students to know which voice level to use and when. These tap lights were the answer. I purchased 2 packs of the lights and adhesive magnetic strips so they could stick to my white board. 

voice level chart with lights

classroom voice level chart with tap lights

HONESTLY??? This has been a blessing. The kids are more aware of expectations. They remind each other what level voice to use by pointing at the chart. They LOVE being the student to turn the lights on or off. It's a little miracle!

Are you ready to make your own voice level chart too? You can get started by grabbing this FREE template below:

Free voice level chart

I hope you love using this in your classroom. Please leave a comment with your success stories or any questions you make have. I love hearing from my readers.


voice chart


  1. Excellent idea since I go from Grade 4 through Grade 8 in the Science Lab during the day! Thank you!!!!

  2. Enlightening and Brilliant!!!

  3. What a great idea! I so need this in my classroom right now. The beginning of the school year can sometimes be challenging. I'm hoping this will help minimize the chatter. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. I am glad you are going to give it a try. I hope it is a game changer in your room too.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea! I too, have been struggling with not only one, but three chatty classes! (We departmentalize) The weird thing is I bought several of the tap lights earlier in the summer kicking around some ideas for their use, but never really found one I liked. Reading your post was meant to be! Thanks!!

    1. Yes! It was meant to be! I hope you love using it in your classroom.

  5. I saw this and I now use a modified version in my 10th grade classroom.

  6. I teach middle school will this work in the age group 6th -8th graders?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello! I love this so much! Just wondering where you can buy the voice level posters at?

  9. Thank you so much for all your work on this fabulous idea, and willingness to share it for free. I'm so excited to implement it in my classroom this year!

    1. I am so glad you love it! Enjoy using it in your classroom this year!

  10. I have a great interest in implementing this into my classroom, I have some great students that just struggle with volume control! I have tried a few different ways to click on the link that is supposed to let me view the printable resource and it is not letting me view it. I have entered the password and then it just redirects me back to this post. So, if there is anyway this could be looked into to see if the link is missing now or if I am doing something incorrect please let me know!

    1. I am sorry you are having trouble. Please make sure you subscribe to my newsletter. After you sign up, you will receive an email with the password for the Subscriber Resource Library. Make sure you enter the password exactly. You will then be granted access and be able to download the voice level chart.

  11. I love this interactive idea. When I try to download it, it takes me to a page that says it is password protected. How do I subscribe and get the password? TIA!

  12. How can I get the voice level posters.
